Kiriba AI Evaluation Service

Total system to create a cut-rate observation book with a single smartphone.

Support for observation of cuttings at drilling sites, management of observation data, and viewing and editing from remote locations.
The conditions of the cut surfaces and geology are observed and recorded daily at the tunnel excavation site, and used to evaluate the ground conditions and as an indicator for the tunneling process.
The "Sectional Black Image Assessment Service" solves a variety of problems in sectional black image observation.

Challenges faced prior to system implementation

Due to lack of successors
Difficulty in passing on technology

Cumbersome paper management

On a site-by-site basis
Disparate evaluation criteria

Supporting Efficient Cutting Tree Observation with Ever-Growing Highly Accurate Image AI Processing

The "Cutter AI Evaluation Service" is a service that uses your cutter photos and observation data to create a learning model for our AI, which is then used to evaluate the quality of your cutter data,
We provide learning models based on big data that are difficult for single companies to build.

AI assisted cutting evaluation for everyone

AI automatically determines the score of the observation book from the photo by learning the photo and score of the photo observation at any time. This makes it easy for even inexperienced technicians to enter the score of the tree.

Easy data management in the cloud

This system consists of an iOS application and a web application using the cloud. Since the input score of the field staff, the cutting photo, and the AI judgment result are stored in the cloud, data sharing can be smoothly performed from anywhere.

Standardized cutting evaluation criteria

This system repeats relearning with the accumulated data and updates the AI learning model. As the accuracy of the AI improves with each use of the system, it is possible to perform a standardized evaluation of the cut-rate at many sites where this system has been installed.

Create a Kiriba observation book with just one smartphone.

AI as well as inputting information in the observation book and processing photos to assist in the creation of the facet observation book.

Main features of the system

  • AI can be used without a network
  • Instantaneous AI score determination
  • Automatic calculation of face evaluation points
  • Processing of faceted photographs
  • Share and edit information with cloud services
  • Output of observation book

Employers (in order of adoption)

Sales Partners (in order of adoption)

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