Business report on sMedio Cloud Backup, a smartphone backup service with unlimited capacity
(Head Office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Sadanori Iwamoto; TSE Growth: 3913; hereafter "the Company") has been providing its consumer cloud backup service (hereafter "the Service"), "sMedio Cloud Backup," for approximately one year, In one year, the Company has acquired two consumer service providers, and the total number of cell phone stores handling the service exceeds 300, and the service has been very well received by service providers and subscribers.
As a result, the cumulative number of subscription subscribers as of the end of October 2023 reached 17,000, far exceeding the initial target of 10,000, and we are on track to acquire more than 20,000 by the end of the year.
We regard this service as one of the important DX service products that we will focus on in 2023, and will continue to improve its functions and performance and develop new services derived from it.
sMedio Cloud Backup Launches in Japan