Message from the President

We would like to thank you all for your exceptional support and cooperation.

We have changed our company name from "sMedio Corporation" to "GreenBee Corporation" as of April 1, 2024, under the corporate mission of "a company that builds a sustainable future through technology.

 Green" represents our attitude of environmental consideration. Bee" represents a cooperative attitude, i.e., bees are an integral part of environmental sustainability, and "GreenBee" represents our commitment to proactively contribute to society and the environment.

 GreenBee Corporation aims to be a company that builds a sustainable future with technology, focusing on the "DX Service Business (Digital Transformation)," which contributes to the improvement of workflow, and the "GX Service Business (Green Transformation)," which contributes to energy conservation and CO2 emission reduction issues through total solutions centered on energy management services, while emphasizing environmental consideration and the spirit of collaboration and utilizing our accumulated knowledge in technology. The "GX Service Business (Green Transformation) Service Business," which contributes to energy conservation and CO2 emissions reduction through total solutions centered on energy management services, will be the growth engine for the company as it seeks to build a sustainable future through technology.

 In the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024, we achieved a profit for the first time in three fiscal years, with net sales of 806 million yen, operating income of 50 million yen, ordinary income of 60 million yen, and net income of 63 million yen.

 In the DX Service Business, the sMedio Cloud Backup business is growing rapidly and becoming a new core business for the Company. We are aiming to double the number of subscribers to 260,000 by the end of December 2025.

 In the "GX Service Business," the Company will focus on sales of energy management services and storage battery system-related products, aiming to win relatively large corporate orders. In this business as well, the Company is conducting business negotiations with the aim of winning orders as soon as possible.

We hope that you will pay close attention to the trends and results of the above two service businesses, which will be our growth engines, and we look forward to your continued support and encouragement.

March 25, 2025
Sadanori Iwamoto, President and Representative Director